Click the links below for the most updated pricing:
Amazon Link 55″ A1E- http://amzn.to/2DjhqQN
Amazon Link 65″ A1E- http://amzn.to/2DkE0Z4
What’s going on guys! Welcome back to Spare Change. Today’s a big day for Sony A1E owners. We’re getting the Dolby vision update. I just woke up turned on the TV and I got this message. So, let’s go on ahead click okay and let this thing do the firmware update. So, this whole process takes about 10 to 15 minutes depending on your connection speed. It’s going to reboot about twice until you get to the okay screen. Here let’s just go down and check out the build number. This is the new update, the new firmware update.
So, let’s back out of this. Let’s go check out some Netflix because I know Netflix has some Dolby vision content. So, let’s try up Daredevils, Daredevils in Dolby vision has some pretty good HDR10 as well. As you can see here, the upper right corner, it does say Dolby vision now. So, that is a positive and the image is pretty bright I gotta say. Let’s go check out the picture menu settings, as you can see here everything is maxed out. I haven’t touched anything after the update. It looks like you can change a bunch of stuff here still.
Alright. So, let’s go out and check out the Apple TV. Same thing Daredevil and as you can see here Dolby vision in the upper corner. So, let’s check out the picture menu settings here. And this is just standard HDR as well. It doesn’t say division at all which is a bummer no Dolby vision 3 HDMI.
Alright. So, that’s just a quick installation of the new Dolby vision update. As you can see I determine with the inbuilt Netflix app which worked fine. The colors on that thing looked amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the TV get that bright before especially with HDR content through that app. Colors were phenomenal looking, brightness was crazy looking. Now trying it with the Apple TV, as you can see we didn’t get any kind of Dolby vision at all. It was just standard HDR10. I also tried it with the Oppo203 same results, Dolby vision, just standard HDR10. Maybe Sony’s waiting to release their X 700 play before they do a firmware update to enable the Dolby vision through HDMI. But in the meantime, looks like it’s a no-go, the only thing that you’re gonna be able to do is enjoy Dolby vision through any inbuilt supported apps on the Android TV platform.
So, this is the first time I’ve tried it out. I didn’t mess around with any settings then change any settings. So, what you see on this video, is kind of what you get straight after the firmware update. Alright guys, thanks for checking out the video. If you enjoyed it give it a thumb up. And if you’re new here hit that subscribe button and we’ll see you guys again in the next video.