Click the links below to all the products in the video:
Klipsch RP-250C (Black) – http://amzn.to/2jaEM2F
Klipsch RP-250C (Cherry) – http://amzn.to/2BvUi3W
Auralex MoPads – http://amzn.to/2ATP9TM
What’s up everybody! It’s Channa D, here. I’ve got a short video for you today, I’ve got my center channel speaker, the Klipsch RP-250C. So, we are going to install that and do some core sound isolation and decoupling. You don’t know what that means? We’ll find out right after jump.
So, I’m super stoke to get on with my home theatre upgrade, upgrading pretty much on my speakers, just putting the new surround speaker, you guys might have seen that in the last video. Now it’s time for the center channel, I’ve got a bigger, wider, beefier center channel with Dual 5.25” Drivers. So, the box is downstairs here in the studio so let’s go down there and unbox it.
Another huge port there. That’s your plus and minus connections here. Nice and beautiful ebony finish here, quality stuff. It’s got a dual logo so if you want to keep it with or without the grid, you’ve got to do that. This is awesome, I can’t wait to get it set up. So, I’m going to go upstairs and start moving things around because this is a lot wider center channel that I have now. Yes, let’s go upstairs and I’ll start doing that. My wife is going to be watching TV so I’ll probably have to just have to B-roll it and do the audio later. Cool.
So, it’s been a couple of days now and we’ve watched a few movies, watched good of them on TV, and even my wife said the first thing she noticed were the vocals clear, crisp and it stood out a bit more. So, all along, this upgrade to the 250C definitely is a huge bonus. The one thing I did notice is when I cranked it, I would get some rattling from the glass that it’s sitting on. It’s actually noticeable because it wasn’t there before. So, I was thinking about what can I do to isolate or decouple the speaker from the glass and I was like “enh hen!” I went down to my music studio and checked out what I’ve got sitting underneath my studio monitors. And what do I have there? I’ve a pair of Auralex MoPADs. So, I went ahead and bought a pair of those, I think they’re about $30, a little less than $30 on Amazon. All the vibrations from the speakers get absorbed through the foam and that vibration does not interact with the shelf. So, my thing here is it should work great for the center cannel speaker as well. So, here’s what I’m talking about, they come in two pairs actually for two speakers so you’ll get 4 of these things. So, you can make a level or you can make a four degree incline or decline or an eight degree incline or decline. Considering your center speaker is not at your level, I’m going to go ahead and try the four degree incline. Let’s do it.
So, I got the Auralex foam underneath the speaker, yea it doesn’t look the greatest but I actually just re-watched a scene in John Wick where they’re shooting up in like a night club or something like that, there’s a lot of loud gun fire coming from the center channel and that was originally what was kind of vibrating the glass that the speaker’s sitting on. So, now I just re-watched it and it’s awesome. There’s no more glass vibration and everything is a bit louder because now the center channel is angled up by four degrees, just every sort slightly. Let’s go to some bureau of me sitting on a couch, looking right at the speaker, and now it’s looking right at us. So now, I think at a perfect level, I think eight degree incline would have just been a little too much but this four degree is perfect, it sounds great, no vibration and it’s all good in the hood. So, I would recommend this, this little $30 purchase would help your sound system out greatly. If your center channel speaker is sitting on a shelf, whether it’s wood, glass, metal or whatever, put some of these foams underneath it, you’ll get rid of any kind of vibrations and this is also great if you want to add maybe four degrees down, eight degrees down, if your speaker is higher than your listening area. If your speaker is lower than your listening area as our case is, go with a four degree incline or eight degree, it all depends on your room and how far away your couch is and all that kind of stuffs.
So, that’s it for this video today. If you liked it, go ahead, smash that like button. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, it should be the button at the center of the screen there. And once again, my name is Channa D, and I’ll see you next time!