What’s up everyone?! If you were ever wondering what Dolby Atmos was and how you setup Dolby Atmos speakers, you’ve come to the right place!! In this video tutorial, I go through all the speaker configurations from 5.1 to 7.2.4! What does that mean you ask? Just watch the video to get the explanation and you should have it down by the end. If you’re looking for Dolby Atmos Enabled Speakers, or some in-ceiling solutions…
Check out Dolby Atmos options in my Amazon Affiliate Store: http://bit.ly/TDAMSTR
Hey everybody! Channa D here, and I got a video that’s going to explain Dolby Atmos and your basic 5.1 surround sound setup. I’ve had questions from people that have a sound bar and want to step up to a full fledged home theater setup. That’s what this video is going to be about and we’re going to get into it right after the jump.
All right and I’m back. What is up everybody? In the comments down below just let me know what do you have for your audio setup with your nice 4k TV, sound bar? 5.1 setup? 7.1 set up? 9.1 set up? Do you have a Dolby Atmos setup? let me know.
So let’s start off with this 5.1 set up. I believe it started off back in the Dolby Pro Logic era. I believe I was in tenth grade and my dad wanted me to pick out a stereo system when you’re gonna go like piece it together and back then Dolby Pro Logic 2 was the new thing and you have five speakers, a subwoofer and that was your 5.1 setup. So, this is pretty much it. Your first ones are your fronts. Okay. Or left and right. What this is going to do in a movie is going to provide all the foreground noise. Any kind of forward panning is going to happen. And when we add the center channel, this is going to be the third channel in the five. And this is going to cover all the dialogues, everything that the actors are talking about. It’s all coming from the center channel. so center channel is very important. Next we have channels four and five which are your surround. just off to the side a little bit. A little bit behind you and you kind of want to measure to have the tweeter of the speaker going to your ear but somewhat immersive experience. We’ve got speakers in front. Front left center and right. We have speakers behind you. The point one is your subwoofer which hangs out usually here, here or in some corner. Okay? And this is your 5.1 setup.
So now here’s where Dolby Atmos comes in. Dolby Atmos wants to make a more immersive experience. And how they do that is with ceiling or height speakers. So now we’ve got 5.1.2. for these guys right here. This is a 0.1 and 0.2. So now you’re going to have things that fly over you are going to be above you. Helicopters, plane and you’ll be here and you’ll hear something go to [hew] or [phew]. Or kind of noises like that. All right here we have a 5.1.4 setup where we have four ceiling speakers or four height speakers. This is really awesome because the sound designers and the sound mixers these days can pinpoint in three dimensions where an object is. That’s kind of like the whole thing with Dolby Atmos is the object based sound. And let’s check out a few more setups.
All right. So this one is called the 7.1.2. Now the 7 refers to the regular one two three four and five. But they add surround back channels that are actually behind you. So now your surroundings have moved up here and you’ve got the surround back channels that are here and that’s what’s the 7 is about. Okay. The 0.1 is still your subwoofer and the 0.2 are your two height speakers. Now my new receiver the Denon AVR-X6300 H can support this setup. A 7.1.4 setup where you’ve got eleven channels powered by the one receiver. So now we’ve got four ceiling speakers and we’ve got the seven surround sound speakers. And this will definitely give you a very immersive experience. Especially with your 4K Ultra High Definition HDR TV, you’re going to have a really often time watching movies. The point one still stands for the subwoofer.
Now there is one other configuration, where this is a nine. 9.1.2 and if you notice now, they add these two speakers that are kind of in front of the listening area. Off to the side a little bit. So you definitely have this big circle of speaker and we still have two height speakers or ceiling speakers for atmos. This will also give you a very immersive movie theater experience. My Denon receiver will also support this 9.1.2. Basically what the receiver has is eleven amplifiers, so 9+2 = 11 or 7+4 = 11 and that’s pretty much how the speakers are set up.
What I’m trying to go for is a modest 5.1.2 which means I’ll just have to get two speakers in ceiling and if you’ve seen my video of my home theater setup, you’ve already noticed that I already have speakers that are hanging off of beams or mounted to beams. So I’m just going to buy two new surround speakers. Some small clips bookshelf and then move the other speakers to more of a ceiling or height position.
Alright so now you must be asking, well how do I get this Dolby Atmos? So first thing first. You’re going to need an audio/video receiver. This is the one that I purchased is the Denon AVR X6300H MSRP is $2,199. I got it for around $1,700 and the reason you need one of these is to decode the Dolby Atmos soundtrack that’s going to be coming in from your 4K Ultra High Definition blu-ray player or your blu-rays or whatever streaming service. I could have gone with the step down the X4300H but the X4300H only has 9 channels. This one has full 11 channel amplification. So that’s definitely something you have to look for. If you want Dolby Atmos setup you need 11 powered channels. So what would you do if you only had seven powered channels. You’d have to get a separate amplifier for the four channels. I wanted all-in-one solution. So out of the box this Denon 6300 will power a full 7.1.4 Dolby Atmos configuration.
So the next thing you need are speakers. So here we are at the Glitch website, we are down in the Dolby Atmos enabled home theater system. These are definitely expensive. Okay. I have 5.1. Set up from glitch that I bought over 10 years ago. All I’m going to do is add two more speakers as high speakers and I’ll have that 5.1.2. That’s like the smallest Dolby Atmos set up. these two systems are 5.1.4. This one uses these two to bounce sound off the ceiling and these ones actually has speakers you put into the ceiling.
Alright the next thing you need, this is the ultra-high definition blu-ray player that I have and this does decode Dolby Atmos. no matter which one you get. Whether it’s a Panasonic, whether it’s the Samsung or the LG or even the Sony. Since all those companies are coming out with a 4K Ultra High Definition blu-ray player. Make sure they can decode Dolby Atmos and DTS X. Those are the two sound stages that are being released now and in the future. and here on Dolby’s website. You can find Dolby Atmos releases on blu-ray and streaming. so there’s a whole list of this stuff. Check it out. I’ll put a link in the description. And you can see what has Dolby Atmos already. Quite a few titles. And this link I’ll put in the description as well, these are the Dolby Atmos ultra-high definition blu-ray titles that have been released.
A pretty good amount of movies, not as much as the blu-ray, but hey this is all still kind of happening right now and we’re just kind of rolling with the punches. More and more movies are being shot on 4K and 6K cameras. I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait to get these extra speakers and all that cool stuff. That’s it for this video. If you guys have any questions. Please put them down in the comments below. I also want to thank you for watching the video. Don’t forget to subscribe. If you like this content or found it informative and once again my name is Channa D. and I’ll see you next time!